The gated frequency response can be divided into two families, depending on the chosen axis between the mic and the driver:
On-Axis with the Driver Center (OA-DC) is made by placing the mic
in line with the driver under test center, at a distance, measured
from the front baffle, that varies from 0.5 to 1 meter depending on
the driver. When measuring the driver all the other one's must be
disconnected, thus only the DUT has to be fed with the signal. Each
driver is measured using this technique, keeping the chosen
mic-baffle distance the same for all drivers; as a result we will
obtain the frequency responses of all the drivers at their best
dispersion angle (on-axis). Remember that the obtained phases of the
drivers are not comparable with each other because the microphone
location changes at every measurement, as well as the gating markers;
therefore don't use the OA-DC phase to understand the driver offsets.
The next step is to measure each driver Off-Axis at 30° - 60° : this is performed by placing the mic-driver center to form one of those angles; I usually just leave the microphone always in the same position while orienting the speaker to reach the desired angle. These measures should be performed for each driver, giving us the frequency response at their worst dispersion angles (30°- 60°); the Off-Axis response is fundamental in choosing the right crossover frequency for the drivers used, so don't be lazy and do it!
In the On-Axis with the Acoustic Center (OA-AC) the microphone is placed at ear height, for a seated listener; since the tweeter is usually found at this height, is a common rule assign the acoustic center to the tweeter center. Of course this is a generic rule that works pretty well in any 2-3 way speaker; however remember that lots of possibilities exist, thus each project needs its own study. The distance mic-speaker, as well, has to be wisely chosen because the drivers integration depend on it; a 1 meter distance works pretty well with a 2-3 way system but, again, every speaker needs its own study. The OA-AC is performed with all the drivers working, giving us a complete view of the speaker response; but since this measurement is made by leaving the microphone always in the same position, as well as the gating markers are unique, the phase response of each driver is comparable. It's also useful to perform the OA-AC with and without the crossover to see what happens adding different order/cut crossovers.
But let's start to measure the On-Axis with the Driver Center using Speaker Workshop! We are going to use the same cables-hardware seen in the near-field measurement, just you will need an higher mic pre-amplifier volume setting, because of the increased distance from the baffle. With everything connected and the volumes set to get a 20-25k (depending on your card clipping level) on both channels of Speaker Workshop VuMeter, Sample Rate and Sample Size to the maximum that works best with your card as you tested in the SWSetup section, choose a REPEAT COUNT of 5 (in OPTIONS/ PREFERENCE/ MEASUREMENTS) or more, depending on your test-room noise and used Sample Size (I use 20 repeat), and check that the USE PREEMPHASIS box is unmarked; in the same window click on MARKERS and make visible the 3 choices:
Then click twice on
and then on
or click on MEASURE/ FREQUENCY RESPONSE/ ON AXIS; check SW VuMeter to
be sure the values are almost equal for the left and right channel
and in the 20-25k range; a new file will be created: "Focal A.On
Axis", but it's not useful right now since we haven't set the
markers yet! Once the volumes setting are right, click on
or MEASURE/ PULSE RESPONSE and open the new created file: "Focal
A.Impulse" .
As we can see the first impulse
starts at around 8.5 ms and goes diminishing in amplitude till around
12.5 ms where a second impulse makes its appearance: this is the
first pulse that reaches the mic reflected
by the wall, whose distance is equal to the time length of the second
pulse divided by 3 (expressed in meters) that is 12.5 (second pulse) –
8.5 (first pulse) = 4 / 3 =1.33 meters that, in my case, is the side
wall distance from the mic. So we have to set the markers (the
2 vertical brown lines) to delimit just
the first pulse; the first marker should be set just before the
starting of the first pulse at 8.5 ms. but I suggest you to leave it
at 0 ms, as I will explain later on; the second marker should be
positioned just before the second pulse starts, at 12.5 ms in this
case. To move the markers just click on them and hold the left mouse
bottom and move the mouse to the desired location; use the zoom
option to better see the chart. In this case we will have a 4 ms of
useful data, that is not a lot but enough for our purpose: a bigger
room with a bigger floor-mic distance would have delayed the second
impulse starting. In the download
area you can find an Excel file that
allows to calculate when the floor bounce occurs knowing the
microphone distances, as well as the expected impulse length and the
useful lower frequency. To increase the time length, you could place
the speaker laying on the floor with the drivers facing the ceiling,
so that the first roof bounce will start later; however place some
acoustic mat between the speaker and the floor since their closeness
can be a problem. I actually prefer to test the speaker the way it
will be used, so give a try if you want.
Now about the first marker: it should be placed right before the first impulse. However Speaker Workshop limits the resolution of the data looking at the sample rate and the time gate, limiting to 128 points up to a time slice of 9 ms (for a 48k sampling rate), then goes to 256, 512, 1024 with approximately each doubling of the time window; the only way to increase the number of data points is to increase the length of the gated measurement or, to some degree, increasing the sample rate. So it helps to move the first marker close to 0, as well as to increase the latency. You can check the number of data points (resolution) by right clicking in the response chart and choosing PROPERTIES, then go to the SPECIFICS tab. You can change this number and the graph will look slightly better for crossover modeling, but once you repeat a measurement SW will reset this number according to its algorithm. Do some tests moving the markers to have an idea of how it works.
With the markers set, we can repeat
the on-axis measurement: click twice on
and then on
or click on MEASURE/ FREQUENCY RESPONSE/ ON AXIS; check SW VuMeter to
be sure the values are almost equal for the left and right channel
and in the 20-25k range; now open "Focal A.On Axis".
the chart you can see three responses of the Focal woofer made at
different distances; as you can see the curves that have the same
shape are the red and
the blue,
that correspond to a distance mic-baffle of 80 and 100 cm, thus we
can say that from 80 centimeters we are in the far-field measurement
for this driver. Remember that every time the mic-baffle
distance changes, you need to redo the Pulse Measurement as well as
you have to reset the markers! The lower frequencies are not very
useful because of the limited first pulse time length: in our case
12.5-8.5=4 ms that corresponds to 1000/4=250 Hz; however this is not
a problem since we have the near-field response to take care of the
low region.
it's time for the Off-Axis measure: leaving the mic in the
same position used till now, rotate the speaker baffle to form a 30°
angle with the microphone horizontal line; then leaving the
markers as for the On-Axis and without changing the volumes, click
twice on
then on MEASURE/FREQUENCY RESPONSE/30 DEGREE and a new file will be
created: "Focal A.f30". Repeat the procedure rotating the
speaker baffle to reach a 60° angle and again,
leaving markers and volumes as they were, click on MEASURE/ FREQUENCY
RESPONSE/ 60 DEGREE and again a new file will be created: "Focal
A.f60". To go deeper, you can perform this measure at 45°
as well, even if SW doesn't have this option: place the speaker to
form a 45° angle and click on MEASURE/ FREQUENCY
RESPONSE/ GATED and rename the "Focal A.Gate" in "Focal A.f45".
Now open "Focal A.On Axis" and add to the chart the two new files created to have a complete view of the driver response at various angles:
As you can see the Focal acts very well at 30° making possible a high cut crossover; the last chart On-Axis response looks a little less “sawtooth alike” then the previous (512k point) I showed since I reached the 1024k points of resolution increasing my card delay (the DMX Fire allows to do it from its control panel) and putting the first marker at almost 0; also a sample rate of 96k helped to achieve it.
Now let's do the On-Axis with the Acoustic Center. Measuring all the speaker, with its crossover, will give us a response that combined with the near field one will show us the complete speaker response, like the ones we see in the magazine.
What I will show you now, instead, is a procedure based on the technique described by David Ralph, to measure each driver response to correctly import them in a simulation program, with the aim to preview the filters to be used.
Place the
microphone as I described before (look at the drawing at the top of
the page), and start with a distance of 1 meter; connect all the
drivers and be careful with the amplifier volume since the
tweeter doesn't have a crossover yet! Now click twice on
and then on
or MEASURE/ PULSE RESPONSE; check SW VuMeter to be sure the values are
almost equal for the left and right channel and in the 20-25k range;
open "Focal A.Impulse" and set the markers as you already know;
with the markers set, click twice on
and then on
or click on MEASURE/ FREQUENCY RESPONSE/ GATED; check SW VuMeter to be
sure the values are almost equal for the left and right channel and
in the 20-25k range; a new file will appear: "Focal A.Gate".
Since all the drivers were sounding, rename the file in "Focal
A.Gate Total". Now just leave connected one driver at a time and
without moving the mic nor changing the volumes set and the markers,
repeat the procedure for each driver, remembering to rename each
driver file to easily recognize it; so in the end I came out with 3
files, since the system is a two way: "Focal A.Gate Total" , "Focal A.Gate FOCAL",
"Focal A.Gate ATD".
give a better look at the chart, you can do some smoothing by
clicking on TRANSFORM/ SMOOTH and selecting a 1/8 octave then APPLY to
see the result immediately; if you press CANCEL the smoothing will
not be applied while clicking on OK will make it permanent. I don't
suggest to do the smooth since it alters the Phase Response. Import the
single drivers responses in your simulation program, as well as the all drivers
sounding one (import it as a virtual driver or as a reference response,
depending on the used software). Now it's time to talk about offset: it
is the distance between the acoustic centers, on the 3 space axis. If we take
the tweeter as reference (therefore X, Y, Z =0) we can easily measure with a
ruler the existing offset between the tweeter and the woofer both on the
horizontal X axis and on the vertical Y axis. To measure the Z axis depth offset
is very difficult, using a ruler; however knowing its real value is not
important for the simulation: what we need is the relative Z offset, so that we
can correct the woofer phase response to obtain true filters predictions. The
depth offset we will find, is not the real offset! Let's go back to the
simulation program, and input an offset=0 on all the tweeter axis, since it is
our reference. Then inform the program of the mic-baffle distance, and that the
mic was on axis with the tweeter. Now the woofer: input the measured X and Y
axis offset; now change the Z axis offset till the imported measured all driver
working response is equal to the program calculated drivers sum response,
especially in the drivers crossing region. Once you get it, you are ready to
start simulating. In a 3 way speaker, you must work on couple: first woofer + midrange, with the mic on axis
with the midrange (that is the reference) and regulate the woofer offsets; then
midrange + tweeter with the mic on axis with the tweeter (that becomes the new
reference) and regulate the midrange offsets. To test the procedure, I compared
the measured and simulated responses of a speaker with a II° order filter on
both the drivers, and a crossing frequency of 3000 Hz: the result is positive!
![]() |
Filtered speaker freq.response: measured - simulated |
Now let's go back to SW and take a look at the phase response chart:
The response is not easy to read, since we haven't detracted the mic Time of
Flight, and shows the relative phase. SW allows to automatically subtract
the time of flight, but it doesn't work very well, so don't do it. You could do
it manually, but be aware that it is a risky job. I suggest you to take a look
at the folder SW Phase.
But let's Splice together the far-field with the near-field!