The setup of Speaker Workshop is an operation that demands time and patience, but is very important in order to obtain good results. It is begun with the construction of the hardware, that is the JIG that allows us to connect the input and output of the sound card (LINE IN and LINE OUT) and the device to test (DUT); practically there are two ways to build this JIG: one is the very used Eric Wallin's JIG II, that I briefly describe in this folder, the other is less beautiful to see and you will find it illustrated with many photos in the Cables folder. The choice is up to you!
With the JIG available, we begin to set the Volumes in order to understand until which level we can go before introducing distortion that would give us wrong results. This task is the more delicate part of the setup section, but there are many photos that guide you step by step in the setup; be patience in loading the page! Once we find the right volumes we will verify the goodness using them with the program RMAA (check the Download or Links folder) that will also give us useful information on which sampling frequency to use with SW.
After this we are ready for the Calibration of SW: it is necessary to have a good multimeter in order to measure exactly the values of the reference and calibration resistors; it is better to use low tolerance ones (1% 0.5 watt). You will need of 4 values: the reference one, 8-12 Ω, two for calibration that are one the half and the other the double of the reference value and finally one for the sound card calibration, whose value is of 10k Ω. I use: 5.6-11.1-22.1, obtained with series-parallel connections , but you can play as you like.
Finally we will Test some passive components, resistores, capacitors and inductances, in order to verify that everything is working! However we must remember that SW is not a LCR meter: the range of use is limited, therefore having a good multimeter is a must. Are you ready? Let's start with the construction of the cables!