After the long calibration section, we now try to measure same passive components to verify that the calibration process was well done. We will continue to use the IMPEDANCE CABLE with the reference resistor (11.15 Ω), while to the DUT CABLE (the light blue one) we will connect the passive components that we are going to measure. From now on we aren't going to change this cable configuration, what will change will just be what we will connect to the DUT CABLE: now it will be resistors, capacitances and inductors, then it will be the driver and finally the speaker. If you use an amplifier the measurement range will be wider than not using it.
Let's start connecting the 22.1 Ω resistor to the DUT CABLE:
Leaving all the SW settings as they were during the Calibration process, expand the "calibrazione" folder:
click on
and then on
after few seconds a new window will appear telling us we have measured a
resistor whose value is of 22.108 Ω :
the 22.1 Ω resistor with others whose value we first measured with
the multimeter and repeat the SW measurement by clicking on
; in this way we can verify that SW is working right and we will understand the
range of measurement we can trust. Here's a list of values I tested, that allows
to say that SW can measure resistor till 1000 Ω (I haven't used the
LCR bridge measured value |
SW measured value
Difference % |
5.58 |
5.58 |
0 |
22.1 |
22.1 |
0 |
99.3 |
99.2 |
-0.1 |
329 |
329 |
0 |
998 |
1010 |
1.2 |
2740 |
2850 |
4 |
9980 |
11646 |
16.6 |
Change the resistor with a capacitor, being sure to discharge it before connecting, in case it is an electrolytic type. Launch the measurement again and a new window will appear telling us that a capacitor of 10.115 µ Farad with an internal resistance of 84.089 mΩ was measured:
From the following chart we can say that the range of use of SW in capacitors measuring is till 20 µ Farad:
LCR bridge measured value µ Farad |
SW measured value µ Farad |
Difference % |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0 |
2.28 |
2.28 |
0 |
9.91 |
10.11 |
2 |
22 |
20.9 |
-5 |
substitute capacitors with inductors and always clicking on
, a new window will say that an inductor of 0.341 milli Henry that has an
internal resistance of 412.319 milli
Ω was measured:
Measuring different inductors I got:
LCR bridge measured value mH |
SW measured value mH |
Difference % |
0.189 |
0.199 |
5.2 |
0.330 |
0.341 |
3.3 |
1.43 |
1.47 |
2.7 |
13.1 |
12.11 |
7.6 |
It's important to test some passive components each time a new measurement session starts, to check everything is working; it would be even better to repeat all the calibration procedure, specially the Channel Difference, every time but only using Speaker Workshop will tell you if you need it or not.
Finally we ended the setup section of Speaker Workshop: we prepared the cables, choose the best volume and sample rate for our sound card, calibrated SW and measured some passive components. Now we go on in measuring the drivers we are going to use in our project: it's time for impedance !