I don't use the Wallin's Jig II, as you already know; nevertheless, with the help of Nelson Wood, I decided to show some information and pictures since it is the most used Jig by the Speaker Workshop users, hoping to be helpful to someone. Anything about Wallin's Jig II can be found in Eric's home page, so I just add some additional information about his write up for those who don't use the Ensoniq AudioPCI sound card, but a newer card: do not be concerned with getting the card to output 2.83 Volt as Eric states, since modern SC hardly reach 2 Volt as they have just a pre-amplifier. Instead use the Speaker Workshop VU meter feature to get a sine wave signal in the 14-15k range and an MLS signal in the 20-22k, as you can find in the Calibration folder. Moreover, do not short out BP3 and BP4 when doing the calibrations and setting the volume levels, since it doesn't work. About the first version of Wallin's Jig, using the Protection LEDs caused problems, so just take them out, but you must be very careful with the volume levels and double check the connections before doing a test or you can ruin a card very easily, since there will be no over voltage protection.


Impedance Calibration: 4 ohm Impedance Calibration: 16 ohm

Direct: for channel balance calibration


Impedance Measurement


Frequency Measurement: - 20 dB attenuation


Frequency Measurement: - 10 dB attenuation


Frequency Measurement: NO Attenuation